
The 2nd Belt & Road Leadership: Sustainable Development Summit
Since the 1st Belt & Road Leadership: Sustainable Development Summit dated on 31 Aug, the organizer Social Enterprise Research Academy (SERA) received much positive feedback about the Summit. Many participants showed their interest related to the Belt & Road issues. Therefore, SERA followed the 1st Summit closely and held the 2nd Summit on 21 Nov by inviting government officials, scholars and business leaders to be guest speakers to discuss the sense of environmental protection, CSR and regional sustainable development under the background of Belt & Road.
Professor Raymond So Wai-man, BBS, JP, the under Secretary of the Transport and Housing, Mr. Joseph Chan Ho-lim, the under Secretary for the Financial Services and the Treasury, Mr. Shih Wing Ching, JP, the founder and chairman of the Centaline Group, Mr. Wong Wai Kwong, the former Business Development Manager of the MTR Corporation Limited, Professor Simon Shen Xu-hui, Hong Kong International Relations Scholar, Mr Kwok May Han Grace, Executive Director of Allied Environmental Consultants Limited., served as guest speakers. We are also honoured to have invited the representatives of the 10 supporting organization to attend the summit.