Award Nomination

Disclaimer 相關需知

Terms and Conditions of Awards Scheme:

1.This form is only valid if the party involved is selected as a winner. Should the party involved not emerge as a winner, this form will be null and void.

2.Winners are selected purely based on their nomination submissions, the audit process and subsequent ratings by the panel of Jury. The judging process is completely independent and is not in any way influenced by this form.

3.Nomination Form serves as the final indication for Winners’ confirmed information, to allow SERA the space and the time to ensure all deliverables can be arranged and executed accordingly, in time for the event, media announcement and publications. Should you have to modify any of your submitted information on the Nomination Form, please read the C) Terms and Conditions of Payment.

4.Upon submission deadline, all details on the Submission Document, are FINAL and CANNOT be changed and/or transferred to another party. The details you submit here will be used across all awards content including any winner announcements and on the digital certificate, should you win. Please ensure all details are correct. Please ensure that all details on this Nomination Form are consistent with the details on the Submission document you upload.

5. This form will form a binding contract; should the party involved apply for a nomination, payment is due upon execution of this contract.

6. Deliverables and packages are final and are provided at the best rate. Negotiations or Variations to these packages are not available or offered.

7. In the exceptional event of unavoidable circumstances, SERA reserves the right to change or revise the deliverables as required. The revised deliverables will be of comparative value to the original. Any revision / change will be done with prior notice winners.

8. All materials applicable, such as company advertisements, profile write ups and high-resolution photographs, voice, and/or video recordings of the winner must be submitted to SERA by the stipulated deadline. Should the materials not reach SERA by the deadline, SERA is unable to guarantee the best quality or inclusion of the above materials in the relevant publications. SERA will not be liable for quality or exclusion of materials from the publication or other deliverables due to latency.

9. The date, time and venue of the Ceremony shown in this form are not finalized and SERA reserves the right to revise.

10.The winners of this scheme will be qualified for one year based on the review time. The validity period will be stated on the confirmation letters issued by SERA. The winners must immediately stop claiming the honor once the effective period is due. If winners want to continue to have it, they must re-apply for this scheme and pass the review again.

11. The winners of this scheme will be given the right to use the Logo for one year based on the review time. The validity period will be stated on the use of logo confirmation letters issued by SERA. The winners must immediately stop using & displaying the Logo once the effective period is due. If winners want to continue to use it, they must re-apply for this scheme and pass the review again.

12.The Logo can be used in different promotion materials of the winners such as name cards, corporate letters and envelopes, newsletters, webpages, etc.

13. When using the Logos, the winners must display it along with the organization’s name / logo prominently in order to present clearly which organization it is referring to.

14. Any advertising and promotional materials that bear the Logo must be lawful, healthy, wholesome, honest and truthful, and must not contain any defamatory, discriminatory or offensive elements.

15. The winners displaying the logo under any circumstances, only means that it supports and promises to practice the six principles in the Social Caring Pledge. No Logo may be used in any way that suggests that SERA is affiliated with, sponsors, approves or endorses the users’ organization, users’ websites, users’ products or users’ services, unless such a relationship exists.

16. Affiliated companies or other associated companies, if any, of the winners are not allowed to concurrently use the Logo. The right of using the Logo is applicable to the winner’s name registered on the application form only.

17. In the event of any conviction involving a criminal offense within or outside Hong Kong jurisdiction, any verdict of ethical conviction brought by a statutory body, or any judgment of violating the six principles of Social Caring Pledge, infringement of business ethics and/or lack of credibility by SERA; If it affects the brand or reputation of SERA. SERA reserves the right of issuing warnings to the concerned winners and rescinding its right to use the Logo, or even if disqualified from the awards and honors.

19. SERA’s interpretation on the provisions of these Guidelines shall be final and conclusive. In case of dispute, SERA has the authority and final binding decisions to make any changes on Logo and its Logo usage, even if disqualified from the awards and honors.

Terms and Conditions of Payment:

1. All prices are non-refundable and subject to prevailing Taxes as applicable in the respective countries involved. All taxes, transfer fee and additional costs are to be borne by you.

2. The total billing amount should be prepaid before accepting the order; SERA will only process the order when such amount has been honored.

3. If you choose to pay with bank transfer, you are requested to settle the account within 7 working days after placing the order.

4. Transactions that process via ATM transfer, remittance or cheque machine payment during bank non-office hours, such transaction will only confirm on the next working day.

5. If you would like to cancel or make a change to an order or service, additional fees may be incurred, 10% service charge for each time The payment should not apply to the initial issued invoice. You must comply with the obligations to pay the settlement. SERA reserves the right to terminate the use of account services until all overdue balance has been settled.

Service and Disclaimer:

1. Photographers, videographers and SERA are not responsible for backing up all photo or video files after they are sent to you. You can make a backup copy by yourself.

2. The output file format is generally jpg or pdf. The output file format is slightly different depending on the selected product. If you have any requirements for the output file format, it must be put forward to SERA when placing the order. SERA will not be responsible for any wrongly provided file format, or any loss or money caused by the wrong file format. Subsequent modifications will incur additional charges, please contact SERA staff for details.

3. I/my representative agency have read and agreed to the terms of SERA’s Personal Privacy Policy and Terms of Service on the website.

4. You undertake that if any person, group or institution for breach of the terms of service; or any of your products in printed text, photos, images, graphics, or other materials covering or may be involved defamation, invasion of privacy, counterfeit, copy, reproduce, intellectual property infringement, indecent, obscene, infringe any third party rights, currency and banknote or violate our laws, the situation, and to make any form of litigation, claims, notification or take any action that will indemnify SERA and its directors, officers and employees for any losses suffered, including but not limited to the relevant claims, losses, costs and reasonable attorneys’ fees.

5. Social Enterprise Research Academy reserves the right to make changes to these terms and conditions from time to time without providing any prior notification. The amended terms and conditions are effective from the date they are published on our website. Your continued use of our services shall represent your unconditional acceptance of the latest version of the terms and conditions.


1. 本表格僅在獲提名領袖/機構被選為社會關愛獎項計劃得獎單位時才有效。如果獲提名領袖/機構沒有被選為得獎單位,此表格將無效。

2. 得獎單位的甄選純粹是根據獲提名領袖/機構提交的提名資料、相關的審核和評審委員會的決定;評審過程完全獨立,不受本表格影響。

3. 得獎單位在提名表格填寫的資料將作為最終指示,以便本院有足夠的空間和時間來確保所有項目可以在典禮前及時安排和執行活動策劃、媒體及其他宣傳。如要修改,詳情請參閱 (三) 付款條款及細則。

4. 在提交截止日期後,得獎單位提交文件上的所有細節,都是最終的,不能更改和/或轉讓給另一方。您提交的詳細信息將用於所有獎項內容,包括任何得包括任何得獎單位公告及電子證書(如果您獲勝)。請確保所有詳細信息均正確無誤。請確保評估表格上的所有詳細信息與您上傳的提交文件上的詳細信息一致

5. 如果獲提名領袖/機構申請提名,本文件將構成有約束力的合同; 理應執行此表格承兌並付款。

6. 各項得獎組合最終以最佳價格提供,這些組合項目及價格均不得修改。

7. 在不可避免的特殊情況下,本院保留需要更改/修改個別項目的權利;修改後的項目將與原有項目同級,任何修訂/更改將會事先通知得獎者。

8. 所有適用的資料,如廣告、個人/機構簡介和高解像照片、聲音和/或視頻記錄,必須在規定截止日期前提交予本院。如果這些資料在截止日期前未交予本院,則將無法保證上述資料能刊登在相關出版物中,或以最佳質量展示。如因延遲提交而導致上述資料未能包含在相關出版物或質量受影響,本院將不承擔任何責任。

9. 此表格展示之頒獎典禮日期、時間及地點非最終定案,本院保留更改之權利。

10. 得獎單位會被賦予獎項榮譽,期限基於審核時間,為期一年。有效使用期將列明於社會企業研究院發出之「社會關愛獎項計劃得獎資格確認及資料遞交通知書」上。若獎項有效使用期已到, 得獎單位必須立即停止向外宣稱有關榮譽。如想繼續,必須重新申請本計劃,並再次通過審核。

11. 得獎單位會被賦予有權使用標誌,期限基於審核時間,為期一年。有效使用期將列明於社會企業研究院發出之「社會關愛獎項計劃得獎資格確認及資料遞交通知書」上。若標誌有效使用期已到,得獎單位必須立即停止使用該標誌。如想繼續使用,必須重新申請本計劃,並再次通過審核。

12. 標誌適用於得獎單位的不同媒介宣傳品:名片、信封及信紙、通訊、網頁等。

13. 為了清晰展示標誌頒發予特定之得獎單位,標誌不應在沒有清晰展示得獎單位的名稱或機構標誌下單獨使用。

14. 凡附有標誌之廣告及宣傳品的內容必須合法、意識良好、健康、誠實、真確及不含誹謗、歧視或侮辱他人的成份。

15. 得獎單位,在任何情況下展示標誌,只代表其支持並承諾實踐「社會關愛企業約章」中之六大原則,故不得明示或暗示或誤導公眾本所已認可或批准其產品或服務或該機構。

​​16. 得獎單位若有附屬公司/團體或相關的聯營公司/團體,而該附屬公司並沒有簽署本表格,則不能共同享有獎項榮譽和使用獲頒的標誌。所有權利只適用於提名表格和報名表格上所填寫之得獎單位名稱。

17. 若得獎單位在香港境內外被裁定任何刑事罪行;涉及任何道德上的控訴而被相關法定機構裁定須承擔責任;經社會企業研究院評定違反社會關愛約章框架的六大原則、道德誠信;影響本院品牌或聲譽,可向其提出警告,甚至撒消獎項榮譽和標誌的使用資格。

18. 社會企業研究院有權更改標誌、使用準則、撒消得獎單位獎項榮譽及標誌的使用資格。如有任何爭議,社會企業研究院保留最終並具約束力的決定權。


1. 所有費用均不予退還,所有稅金(如有)、轉帳手續費和額外費用應由閣下承擔。

2. 閣下落單後必須先繳付全數款項。本院只會於收到全數款項後開始處理相關訂單。

3. 如果閣下選擇使用銀行轉賬支付,閣下需於落單後7個工作天內繳清帳項。

4. 閣下在非銀行辦公時間內使用支票、ATM匯款或轉賬,本院需待下一個工作天才能確認有關款項。

5. 額外修改或服務而產生之費用,為每一次收10%服務費,雖並不會即時反映於已發出之發票上,但閣下有責任繳付因此而衍生之餘額。本院保留終止服務的權利,直至所有逾期餘額均已結清。


1. 照片或視頻文件發送給閣下後,攝影師、攝像師和本院不會負責備份所有照片或視頻文件。閣下可以為自己備份副本。

2. 輸出檔案格式,一般為Jpg或Pdf,輸出檔案格式因應所選取產品而稍有不同。若果閣下對於輸出檔案格式有任何要求,需於下單時向本院提出。本院並不會為任何錯誤提供的檔案格式,或因檔案格式錯誤而引致的損失或款項負上任何責任。其後修改需要額外收費,詳情請聯絡本院職員。

3. 閣下/閣下的代表機構已細閱並同意本院於網站底部的個人私隱政策條款服務條款

4. 閣下承諾如果任何個人、團體或機構因違反服務條款,或任何閣下交由本公司設計的產品中的文字、照片、圖像、圖形或其他材料等內容涉及/或可能涉及誹謗、侵犯私隱、偽冒、抄襲、複製、侵犯知識產權、不雅、淫褻、侵犯任何第三者權利、貨幣及鈔票或違反香港現行法律的情況,而提出任何形式的訴訟或索賠或採取的任何的法律行動,閣下將彌償本院及其董事、管理人員和員工所遭受的任何損失,包括但不限於相關的索賠、損失、成本和因此而產生的律師費用。

5. 社會企業研究院 (本院) 保留不時更改這些條款和條件的權利,恕不另行通知。修改後的條款和條件自在本院網站上發布之日起生效。閣下使用本院的服務即表示無條件接受最新版本的條款和條件。

Declaration 聲明

1. that the information submitted herein and as supporting documentation is to the best of my knowledge, true and verifiable. I understand and agree that should any of the information submitted herein and/or any supporting documentation appended herein found to be factually incorrect or are designed to mislead the judges, my nomination will be null and void, and if I’ve been declared an award winner, my award will be rescinded;

2. that I / my representing Organization authorizes SERA to use winners’ logo, winners’ profile, photo, sound or/and video for promotional use legally for any legitimate purpose including commercial and non-commercial advertisement and distribution to sponsors, without any notification and/or payment to the winners;

3. that I / my representing Organization agrees to abide by “Brand Identity and Guidelines” & commits to fulfill the promises stated in the Social Caring Pledge Scheme, including Environmental Protection, Anti-discrimination, No Forced Labour, Community, ​ Anti-corruption, and Safety and Quality; – Social Caring Pledge Scheme

4. that I am not related to any staff of the SERA or to any judges appointed by the SERA (except normal business relationship, if any);

5. that I have not attempted and will not attempt in any manner, monetary or otherwise, to influence the decisions of SERA and/or the judges;

6. that my business and I have never been investigated for criminal or civil offenses at any time in the past or present.

1. 提交的資料以及証明文件均是我所知最真實,以及可以查證的。我理解並同意如果提交的任何資料和/或附上的任何証明文件與事實不符或有意誤導評審委員會,我/我的代表機構提名將被定為無效;如果我/我的代表機構已被評選為得獎單位,該獎項則被撤銷。

2. 我/我的代表機構授權本院合法使用得獎單位的標誌、簡介、相片、聲音及視頻作宣傳之用,包括商業和非商業性廣告並發放予贊助商,而無需通知得獎單位或給予任何費用。

3. 我/我的代表機構同意遵守展視於本院網站的《社會關愛獎項計劃標誌使用守則》,並承諾履行社會關愛約章框架所述的承諾,包括環境保護、反歧視、反強迫性勞動、社區參與、反貪腐,以及安全和品質。- 社會關愛約章框架

4. 我與本院的任何職員或本院任命的任何評審委員均沒有關係(一般業務關係(如有)除外)。

5. 我未曾嘗試,也不會以任何方式(無論是金錢還是其他方式)影響本院和/或評審委員的決定。

6. 在過去或現在的任何時間,我/我的機構均未被刑事或民事犯罪調查。

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