Together, We Act! To Care, We Respect!

The coronavirus outbreak (Covid19) has reached the level of a global pandemic. Social Enterprise Research Academy (“SERA”) is now officially set up the Global Anti-COVID-19 Social Caring Scheme to provide Anti Covid-19 information and to feature social caring leaders & corporates’ remarkable Anti-Covid-19 actions. 

Aim of the Scheme


Mr. Gustavo Berlanga

Honorary Chairman of SERA

Former President of UN Global Compact (Mexico)

 Mr. Luigi Cabrini

Honorary Fellow of SERA

Chairman of Global Sustainable Tourism Council

 Dr. Ko Wing Man GBS,JP

Honorary Chancellor of SERA

Former Secretary for Food & Health HKSAR

 Vivian Kong OLY

Senior Fellow of SERA

HK First No.1 World Ranked Fencer

Dr. Rizwan Ullah

Executive Vice Chancellor of SERA

Member of Youth Development Commission 

Member of Equal Opportunities Commission

 Ms. Nurfarini Daing

Fellow of SERA

CEO of myHarapan &

 the Youth Trust Foundation Malaysia

 Mr. Law Ping Kwan

Honorary Vice Chancellor of SERA

Director of Wang Yip Construction 

Works Ltd

Ms. Hui Wing Man Vivian

Honorary Director of SERA


Ms. Joyce Lee

Executive Vice Chancellor of SERA

Executive Director of

Sze Wo Chaan Gas Co., Ltd

Mr. Chau Yiu Cheung Terence

Executive Vice Chancellor of SERA

Founder of Austreme

Mr. Kenny Kong

Executive Vice Chancellor of SERA

Founder of Kool Limited

Global Anti Covid-19 Social Caring Awards

To share our value, we have also invited hundreds of existing SERA Circle global members and representatives from Listed and SME Companies to join this social campaign! No matter who you are, or what contribution you have made, your action matters! Share and record your Anti-Covid19 campaigns here, your kind contribution of inspiration & hope has the power to change lives and connect individuals. 


To encourage and appreciate the Anti-Covid19 actions taken by the social caring leaders and corporates, selected Anti-Covid-19 best stories are eligible for joining the “Global Anti-Covid-19 Social Caring Awards”, which is an Award program specially set up under SERA’s Social Caring Award Scheme. 

Awardees are invited to attend the Award Presentation Ceremony held at Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre (HKCEC). Certificate and Award Logo will be presented to the champs. Details to be announced soon.

Judging Criteria

Utilize expertise and experience to play a key role in promoting the importance of humanity & care.

Judging Scope: Employee Care, Application of Socially Responsible Management System, Team Training

Utilize personal / corporate influence to practice and promote social & industry development.

Judging Scope:  Patent, Innovation

Enthusiastically participate in anti-covid19 works, effectively create shared value, and practice corporate social responsibility.

Judging Scope: Voluntary Work, Environmental Protection, Community participation, Service Quality

Has a positive influence on society during anti-covid19 works, and its achievements have been recognized by professionals or the public.

Judging Scope: Award, External Recommendation, Media Reportings

**Consists of local professionals and representatives of SERA Committee. The judges are regulated by strict internal policies and the judging process is confidential.

To feature the selected story, SERA provides the following services:

Management Interview

  • Tailor-made Video Interview
  • Tailor-made Written Interview

Anti-Covid-19 Volunteer Event

Liasion with NGO to organize volunteer events

  • Distribution of disease-prevention supplies for the people in need
  • Photography & Videography services to feature your event

Exposure of Caring Spirit

  • Online Exposure: Impressions on social media; or
  • Print Media:To be featured in anti-covid19 Special Section in local newspaper or magazine; and
  • E-newsletter: Reach out various social leaders, listed & SME companies

Make A Contribution @ HealthGlow


Anti-epidemic donation provides your organization with unique opportunity to enhance participation in relief efforts, employee engagement and brand building. 

If you wish to donate and distribute anti-epidemic materials to people in need through social welfare organizations and charitable organizations, Social Enterprise Research Academy is glad to offer help on logistic management. Details please contact us!

HealthGlow, a special social enterprise caring project which offers diversified health care supplies and services for corporate to fulfill corporate social responsibility (CSR).

Part of your purchase will be given back to the needed elderly. To acknowledge your kind contribution, for any purchase of you company,  company logo and name will be featured on our website and “Global Anti-Covid19 Social Caring Scheme” Special Section on selected media.

Anti-Covid-19 Collaboration Partner: Highliner Group Limited

SERA entrusts Highliner Group Ltd. (“Highliner”) as a Collaboration Partner to assist in the promotional work of “Global Anti-Covid-19 Social Caring Scheme” campaign. Highliner will provide a series of support in professional photography & videography services, as well as online and offline promotion services. More details:

HealthGlow, trade name of Highliner Group Limited, is a special social caring project. It offers diversified health products & services and care for the community. More details:

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